Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation / annual report videos

Art direction — Creative direction — Motion & edit

Since 1974, the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation has been operating as Arkansas’ second-largest nonprofit foundation, advocating for economic, racial, and social justice reforms throughout the state. The foundation’s namesake and former governor was known as the Arkansas Rockefeller who created a significant endowment that later became his foundation. This work continue today, in the Foundation’s advocacy for better policies and foundational structures to improve Arkansas’ education and economic systems to benefit all people of the state.

ALICE in Arkansas

Between people who are in complete poverty, and those much better off is ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed). Targeting state policymakers, organizational leaders, and other peer institutions, this video serves as a means to explain who ALICE is.


Expect More

Expect More in Arkansas is a state-wide initiative to promote technical, trade and skills training as a means for better income for people with limited options for post high-school and secondary education opportunities.


Simmons Foods brochure


Case for the Egg